Download Binaries

Konclude is released as free software under the version 3 of the Lesser GNU General Public License (LGPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation (cf. Konclude's License). Note, the dynamically linked binaries may require the installation of the cross-platform framework Qt. Furthermore, for some platforms might be additional libaries necessary (see Requirements for details).

We provide 64-bit binaries for the most popular platforms either dynamically or statically linked to Qt. In other words, if you use the statically linked version you don't have to download the Qt libraries.

Platform dynamically linkedstatically linked
Windows x64Konclude v0.5.0 linked to Qt 4.8.5 with Qt DLLs included (3.7 MB)use dynamically linked version
Linux x64Konclude v0.5.0 linked to Qt 4.8.5 (2.7 MB)Konclude v0.5.0 linked to Qt 4.8.5 (4.1 MB)
Mac OS X x64 (≥10.6) Konclude v0.5.0 linked to Qt 4.8.5 (2.4 MB)Konclude v0.5.0 linked to Qt 4.8.5 (3.6 MB)

Download Source Code

A platform independent source code package can also be downloaded: Konclude Source Code v0.5.0 (4.5 MB). You may use QtCreator to compile Konclude.